If you would like to help us at e3garden, we welcome volunteers!
As a volunteer you will learn about:
- Hydroponic growing
- Plant management
- Starting a business
- Selling produce
- Renewable energy
We are also looking into ways to create opportunities for college credit.
What We Need Help With
- Germinating and transplanting
- Plant monitoring and water testing
- Building hydroponic systems
- Tracking plant growth
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Helping at the Farmer’s Market
- Selling
- Event planning
- Deliveries
Next Steps
Please complete this mini-survey to help us best match your skills and abilities to our needs. Please send this info in an email to: info@e3garden.com. Thank you!
Days of Availability: ________________
Hours of Availability: ________________
How many hours per week can you offer?: _________________________
Do you have a car? yes___ no ____
How far are you from Media, PA? _________ (miles) Town of: ____________________
Farming Skills: __________________________________
Business Skills: _________________________________
Communication Skills: ___________________________
Other Skills: _________________________________________
Can you perform light to moderate lifting? ____________________________
What top 3 words come to mind that describe you, your goals or values? __________________
What would you most like to learn by volunteering with e3garden?
Additional Comments: ____________________________________________________________